The GWCA was an active participant in the development of the original Glen Williams Secondary Plan of 2007, as well as its most recent iteration in 2021, known as Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 44. The development committee actively continues to serve as stewards of the Glen Williams Secondary Plan (GWSP) in all proceedings with a focus on advocating that any proposed changes to the hamlet align with the requirements of the Plan.
159 Confederation Street (The Field)
Developer: Eden Oak
In December 2024 the developer Eden Oak submitted a development proposal calling for major amendments to the Glen Williams Secondary Plan and amendments to the Zoning By-law. The proposed development consists of 82 residential units comprised of 81 townhouses and 1 single detached dwelling. The Glen Williams Secondary Plan permits single-detached residential uses at a much lower density, but does not permit block townhouses. An Official Plan Amendment is required to add a site-specific use permission and to increase the density from the maximum of 5 units per net residential hectar to 21 units per hectare.
Link to the Town of Halton Hills website: 159 Confederation Street (Glen Williams) Development Proposal
Action items for residents
Sample letter for residents to send to the Premier and Minister:
→ Give back power to Municipalities to uphold Secondary Plans (pdf file)
→ Give back power to Municipalities to uphold Secondary Plans (docx file)
March 24, 2025
GWCA Presentation to Town Council Opposing Proposal
→ PowerPoint file (with speaker notes)
→ PDF File
December 19, 2024: The documents included with the proposal are the following:
→ Cover Letter
→ Planning Justification Report
→ Draft Plan of Subdivision
→ Architectural Concept Plan
→ Engineering Drawing Set
→ Notice of Received Applications – December 17, 2024
January 15, 2025: GWCA held an open meeting with residents of Glen Williams via Zoom:
→ Presentation deck with speaker notes (pdf file)
→ YouTube video of Zoom Meeting
→ Action Items/Key Outputs/Next Steps as a result of Zoom meeting
102 Confederation Street
Developer: Glen Williams Estates
Early October 2022 the developer, Glen Williams Estates, filed an appeal with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). The GWCA participated as an approved Participant in OLT proceedings including case management conferences and hearing.
- Ontario Land Tribunal decision dated January 19, 2023
- GWCA Feb 2023 Response to Developer (GWE) Nov 2022 Submission
- Link to Town of Halton Hills website: Glen Williams Estates Subdivision
- 102 Confed OLT Case Management Conf Notice (4)
- Towns Proposal for Trails behind 102 Confederation
- CVC letter re 102 Confederation
- Environment Implementation Report 02-Applications-Sub2-EIR Final May 2021 with cover page
- Urban Services Guidelines (1) for Wells
- GWCA and Town Meeting re Confederation St (GWE) Development Plans
- 102 Confederation GWCA Issues List & Dorian Responses to GWCA Questions
- GWCA OLT-Participant-Status-Request-Form-and-Participant-Statement-Form-102 Confederation St Oct 14 2022
- GWCA CMC 102 Confed Submission Oct 14 2022
Although not all GWCA’s concerns were addressed in the Settlement, there were a number of important concessions from the Developer (GWE) based on other GWCA inputs. Specifically:
- A reduction in the number of houses from 34 to 31.
- Inclusion of a Stormwater Management Block.
- Developer agrees to contribute $40,000 for establishment of a connection between the existing trail and Stormwater Management Block.
- Inclusion of a formal Walkway Block.
- Agreement to establish a trail linkage between Walkway Block and the existing trail.
- Inclusion of a formal Hamlet Buffer block dedicated to the Town.
- Several other dedicated Blocks.
- Developer will contribute $200,000 to the establishment of a sidewalk on Confederation St between Main St and Mountain St.
For more details see the 2023 Annual Report, page 5.
Bishop Court Phase 2
Developer: Charleston Developments
The GWCA Continues to liaise with Town staff to keep informed of and respond to any new activity on this development application. The GWCA is not a party or participant to Bishop Court as it is a previously approved phase 2 development.
- November 18, 2024: (GWCA) Delegation Presentation re. Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Bishop Court – Phase 2 to permit an extension of Bishop Ct. in Glen Williams.
- Link to Town of Halton Hills website: Bishop Court Subdivision
McMaster Street and Meagan Drive
Developer: Eden Oak
The GWCA participated as an approved party in a Ontario Land Tribunal hearing in February 2023.
- Memorandum of OLT Decision Megan McMaster Settlement
- Link to Town of Halton Hills website: Eden Oak – McMaster St and Meagan Dr
The GWCA actively participated with the Town on the proposed settlement which was accepted by all Parties and approved by the OLT. It includes an extensive list of conditions of 123 approval Conditions plus 10 Notes; all of which must be satisfied by the developer in order to get its final building permits.
Key wins include agreement for a 6.0-metre-wide Hamlet buffer (Block 35) dedicated to the Town, together with a minimum rear yard setback of 10 metres along the north property line; residents along Wildwood Rd. have two options as to how to hook into sewer line if they so choose.
Creditview Heights The Chase
Developer: Eden Oak
- GWCA Committee of Adjustment Letter of Concern re March 1 2023 Eden Oak Variance Request
- Link to Town of Halton Hills website: Eden Oak Creditview Heights The Chase
The developer has submitted multiple variance requests for individual lots not in alignment with the Glen Williams Secondary Plan or approved conditions. The GWCA continues monitore Committee of Adjustment agendas to identify and respond to new occurrences.
Notice of Appeals Against Glen Williams Secondary Plan
Developers: Eden Oak, Charleston Homes
- OLT-Party-Status-application-OLT-22-004222 OPA 44 – GWCA Oct 28 2022
- GWCA Secondary Plan OPA 44 OLT Appeals Additonal Info Case 22-00422 Oct 28 2022
- Sample Email to Residents – Glen Secondary Plan Appeals Concern
- Audio from the Development Open Meeting on October 26, 2022
- GWCA Zoom Presentation Development Update October 26
- Link to Glen Williams Secondary Plan
- Link to Glen Williams Secondary Plan REPORT NO. PD-2021-0039
- Letter from Mayor Rick Bonnette Oct. 3 22 regarding Notice of Appeals against Glen Secondary Plan
- Notice of Appeal Package – OPA 44 – 19Jul22 (01994810xCDE1C) (1)
- Notice of Appeal – OPA 44- Arnold Foster LLP (1)
- Notice of Appeal – OPA 44- Arnold Foster LLP 2 (1)
Background: In July 2022 Halton Region officially approved the updated Glen Williams Secondary Plan (OPA 44). Within a month the owners of McMaster-Meagan, 102 Confederation and Bishops Court-Phase 2 developments submitted an appeal to the OLT to challenge details in the updated Plan; all three appeals were tied to active development applications filed prior to the adoption of the updated Plan, two of which were Eden Oak Meagan/McMaster and 102 Confederation.The GWCA participated as an approved Participant in OLT proceedings including case management conferences and hearing.
The reasons the Developers gave for this appeal include the following (as listed in the Notice of Appeal):
- The Applications would permit a development on the Land which represents good land use planning, is appropriate and in the public interest. OPA 44 as adopted may undermine the advancement of same;
- The Hamlet Buffer policies contained in OPA 44 are not justified or based on land use planning merit. The location, size, and ownership of the buffers should be science-based and determined through detailed analysis undertaken during the development approval stage i.e. the Applications;
- The lack of transitional provisions contained in OPA 44 fail to recognize or acknowledge the Applications which were filed more than a decade ago;
- OPA 44, as adopted by the Region, will subvert the advancement of the Applications which:
- Have regards for matters of Provincial interest as set out in section 2 of the Act;
- Are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020; and
- Conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Region’s Official Plan;
- Such further and other reasons as counsel provides and the Tribunal permits.
Eden Oak, developer of The Chase & Megan/McMaster developments, withdrew from participating. Charleston Homes and the Town of Halton Hills reached a settlement. One of the terms of the settlement was that the Appellant withdraw its appeal of OPA 44; Charleston Homes was the remaining appellant in this appeal. A 10 m hamlet buffer along the north boundary line of Bishop Ct. Phase 2 was secured through these settlement discussions.
Bill 23 & Provincial Greenbelt Actions
- Greenbelt Plan Amendments Letter of Concern Nov 29 2022
- Nov 10th 2022 – Halton Hills Climate Action Email – Bill 23
- Halton Hills Climate Action Website
- Greenbelt Alliance Website
- Statement: The Problems with Bill 23 and the Proposal to Remove Lands from the Greenbelt
- Ontario Must Withdraw Bill 23 and Shift to Sustainable Planning
- Conservation Halton Board of Directors Meeting (November 17th, 2022)