About the Glen Williams Community Association (GWCA)
The GWCA is a recognized voice of our community that has been active in the Glen since 1999; we are a registered not-for-profit corporation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
There Is Strength in Numbers. Our Hamlet, Our Voice.
We encourage our neighbours to join us by becoming members.
Life in the Glen had evolved over the years, but the current pressures impacting our hamlet’s way of life are just as great, if not greater.
We can anticipate challenging times ahead, make sure your voice is heard!
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up of GWCA members who volunteer their time and efforts to keep Glen Williams a great place to live. The board meets monthly, to support a variety of initiatives the community has identified as important.
2023-2024 Board Members
- Ken Paige, Chair
- Joan Griffin, Officer, President
- Larissa Howe, Secretary
- Derek Remes
- Anthea Hoare
- Mike Brown
- Stephen Groom
- Ilde DeBerardinis
- Shane Titus
- Kate Murray, Officer-Treasurer
All GWCA activities are guided by our mission and input from residents. Highlights of GWCA accomplishments are listed below. Further details can be found in our Annual Reports on our website.
- Created association mission statement and by laws
- Incorporated as a not-for-profit organization
- Created glenwilliams.org website including resources for key issues impacting hamlet residents
- Revamped layout of GWCA e-newsletter to and increased publications to at least once per month to bring you more information on a timely basis
- Revived the GWCA Facebook page to provide residents with more channels of communication on a more consistent basis
- Influenced restored “Glen Williams” as a postal address
- Participated in development of Glen Williams Secondary Plan in 2005
- Participated in Glen Traffic Study in 2009 and supported ongoing traffic solutions including influencing speed reductions and restricted truck signs on Glen roads, hamlet gateway/traffic calming features installed at Prince St. & Barraclough Blvd., and Wildwood Rd. was officially declassified from an “arterial” to “collector” road
- Participated in Glen Williams Mature Neighborhood Study influencing new bylaw applicable to infills and teardowns of existing homes
- Influenced final design for the Meadows of the Glen development to save a pine plantation, creation of a destination parkette, and low impact rural roads with ditches/bioswales
- Participated in 2019 revisions of Glen Williams Secondary Plan continuing to serve as active stewards of the Plan
- Continued as Traffic advocate for Prince Street improvement project participating in resident sponsored meetings and ongoing Town sponsored public information sessions and submitted official GWCA response to Town
- Continue to play an active role in all current subdivision applications and active developments ensuring compliance with Glen Williams Secondary Plan (GWSP), including participation in all Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearings
- Submitted OLT participant status application for 102 Confederation St appeal and, participated in preliminary hearing
- Submitted OLT party status application for GWSP appeals and participated in preliminary hearing
- Submitted OLT party status application for Megan/McMaster and participated in preliminary hearing
- Acting as stewards for the Glen Secondary Plan, participated in Town of Halton Hills Council Meetings as delegate to support approval of Town’s Bill 109 amendments
- Advocated opposition to Greenbelt amendments to Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Created strong relationships with Ward Councillors, Regional Councillor, Halton Hills Mayor and Town of Halton Hills staff and Council
- Hosted activities focused on building a shared sense of community and enriching the quality of life in the hamlet
- Partnered with St. Albans for first Indigenous Peoples Day service in the Glen
- Hosted and livestreamed Ontario 2022 Municipal Election all Candidates meeting
- Continue to actively participate with the Credit Valley Trail organization as it develops plans and initiatives to establish a trail from Orangeville to Lake Ontario, encouraging effective integration with the Glen.